You should take your time when choosing a medical accountant. Location is less of a factor now since so many individuals work remotely, you can search for a good medical accounting specialist that fits your requirements and needs, wherever they may be located. If location matters you can also potentially search by using terms such as medical accountants near me or accountants for medical professionals nearby.

It is critical for medical professionals to hire accountants who are well-versed in the medical field and its tax and accounting requirements. 

Do I have to hire a Qualified Accountant?

Since the term “accountant” is not regulated, anyone, regardless of background, can use the title. Make sure that your accountant is a qualified member of one of the UK’s Chartered Accountancy organisations. You may want to hire an in-house accountant or outsource your medical accounting to a professional accounting firm with expert medical accountants ready to cater to your needs. It is easier in that way as these firms invest in having experts in various industries and can easily help you stay compliant. 

Do I Require the Services of a Medical Accountant?

The taxation of physicians and other medical professionals can be complicated; some examples include the NHS pension, private practice income, and GP practice accounts. Ask yourself if you need an accountant. Unfortunately, a lot of accountants who profess to be experts are not. Medical Accounting can be complex, so you might want to consult an expert to identify further the magnitude of work required to stay on top of your accounting duties.

Should I Hire a Local Accountant? 

It is not necessary for you to have an accountant within the same vicinity. Cloud-based accounting systems have now made it a lot easier to manage your accounts along with your remote accountant without losing control. Furthermore, it has enabled businesses and individuals to have complete transparency regarding their accounting needs and tax payments. Though it is important to have an expert guide you on which Cloud-based accounting software would be most suitable for you. 

Questions to Ask Your Accountant

How can You Help me Improve my Finances?

It is important to know how an accountant is going to help you manage your finances and what value they can add. An expert medical accountant may save you more in taxes than they have charged in their fee. Do not hesitate to ask directly about the benefits you may get after hiring them. 

What’s the Fee Structure?

Because everyone’s personal tax situation is unique, fixed pricing quotations might be challenging. However, following your free initial consultation, your accountant should pre-agree on any fees with you before starting any work.

Do They Have Other Clients as Well, and How Have They Helped Them in Certain Situations? 

How has your accountant helped people in similar situations in the past, considering your job role in the medical profession? If you are a general practitioner, find out how many other GPs your accountant represents and how well-versed they are in the details of your case. 

What Records and Documentation do You Need to Retain?

Your accountant should tell you what records you need to keep or any other documentation in case you are switching accountants.

Characteristics of a Good Accountant

Having an accountant means having a person holding your future with their roles and responsibilities as an accountant. It is important to observe a few characteristics in your accountant to ensure that your accountant is the right one for your tax and accounting needs. 

Well Organized

Accounting itself is a complex process but having an unorganized and unprofessional accountant means it won’t be getting easier any soon. Accountants have to meet specific deadlines and how they must, manage all the tasks at hand, and how inform the relevant client of any industry changes; it is inevitable in that case to have organised data. However, accountants using cloud accounting software are quite organised and don’t have last-minute scrambles. 

You can easily get an idea of their organised manners in the first two months. If you have hired them through an agency, you can always ask to switch your accounts manager to someone else. 

Time Management

Accounting and tax filing are all about timely execution and accuracy. Time management is one of the characteristics that your accountant must possess. Your accountant must know how long it will take to complete a task and how much time he may invest in completing one. 

Experience in the Medical Industry

It is critical for you to have an accountant with quite an experience in medical accounting. You can easily get an idea of their experience in the first two consultation sessions. Assess their ability to understand your concerns and how they are planning to address those concerns. Ideally,  when you outsource your accounting to an accounting firm, their accountant may have dealt with a wide range of diverse businesses and industries. Having some experience in your specific industry will get things started within no time. 


Your accountant needs to be analytical, pay close attention to detail, and have the quicksilver to identify mistakes. Your accountant should be able to examine and spot discrepancies in significant amounts of data or information. To guarantee consistency and accuracy in financial reporting, attention to detail is essential. This information must be accurate because it can be used to support important business choices.

Honest and Trustworthy 

Your accountant must possess a strong sense of moral responsibility. An accountant should always act with integrity in their accounting and bookkeeping work. Integrity is a highly regarded quality in an accountant. You must be able to trust your accountant and be assured that, should something go wrong or if they make a mistake, they will be self-assured and forthright enough to communicate with you so that the fault can be fixed.


It’s crucial for your accountant to be flexible in their work, even if they may be analytical and structured. They won’t always be able to get the information they require from a company owner or senior leader when they need it, and not everything will go according to plan. Another justification for the significance of time management in this profession is. Only then can they offer exceptional service since they will be able to respond quickly to regulatory developments in the sector.

Up to Date with the Advance Technology

If you’re looking for an accountant, you should be aware of and knowledgeable about the most recent technology available. In order to provide you with the finest financial support. With a fully integrated array of features, such as the ability to interface with your bank account for simple reconciliations, cloud-based accounting software is the ideal finance solution for the majority of businesses.

Constantly Training and Learning

When looking for an accountant, make sure they have maintained the necessary credentials and are actively participating in the industry’s training and development. Things are constantly changing because of the digital age, and while this may not immediately influence their workload, over time technology developments will continue to change the accounting sector.

Communication Skills 

Your accountant needs to be a good communicator. They must be able to communicate updates and adjustments to senior leadership in plain, understandable terms. Accountants must be heard and understood because they can influence important business decisions. Additionally, they might have to work with staff members from various departments who may not have much financial experience, so communicating clearly is important.